Bibliography (Africa)

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Primary sources (books):

– Abrahams, Roger D., African Folktales, (New York: Random House, 1983)
– Chimombo, Steve, Napolo and the Python, (Oxford: Heinemann, 1994)
– Courlander, Harold, A Treasury of African Folklore, (New York: Marlowe and Company, 1996)
– Czekanowski, Jan, Forschungen im Nil-Kongo-Zwischengebiet, Erster Band, (Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1917)
[This source is in the public domain; find it on Google Books]
– Dayrell, Elphinstone, Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria West Africa, (New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1910)
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– Delafosse, Maurice, Essai de Manuel de la langue Agni, (Paris: Librairie Africaine & Coloniale, 1900)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Dennett, R. E., Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo), (London: The Folk-Lore Society, 1898)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Dundes, Alan (ed.), The Flood Myth, (Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 1988)
– Eliot, Alexander, The Universal Myths, (New York: Truman Talley Books/Meridian, 1976)
– Ellis, Alfred Burdon, Peoples of Southern Nigeria, Volume III, (London: Humphrey Milford, 1926)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Emin Pascha, Sammlung von Reisebriefen, (Leipzig: Brodhaus, 1888)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Feldmann, Susan, African Myths and Tales, (New York: Dell Publishing, 1963)
– Felkin, R. W., (tr.), Emin Pasha in Central Africa, Being a Collection of His Letters and Journals, (London: George Philip & Son, 1888)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Frazer, James George, Folk-Lore in the Old Testament, Volume 1, (London: MacMillan and Co., 1918)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Frobenius, Leo, Atlantis: Volksmärchen und Volksdichtungen Afrikas/Band XI, Volksdichtungen Aus Oberguinea Fabuleien Dreier Völker, (Jena: Eugen Diederich, 1924)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Frobenius, Leo, Atlantis, Volksmärchen und Volksdichtungen Afrikas, Band XII: Dichtkunst der Kassaiden, (Jena: Eugen Diederich, 1928)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Gaster, Theodor, H., Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1969)
– Halkin, Joseph, Le Mouvement Sociologique International, 11: Les Ababua, (Bruxelles: A. Dewit, 1910)
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– Kelsen, Hans, Society and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1943)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Klümper, Per, Afrikanische Entwicklungspläne Ziele und Verwirklichung, (Hamburg: Deutsches Institut für Afrika-Forschung, 1970)
– Livingstone, David, Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, (London: John Murray, 1857)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Livingstone, David, Missionsreisen und Forschungen in Südafrika, Erster Band, (Leipzig: Hermann Costenoble, 1858)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Merker, M., Die Masai, (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1910)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, (London: Hamlyn Publishing, 1968)
– Parrinder, Geoffrey, African Mythology, (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1967, 1982)
– Perregaux, Edmond, Chez les Achanti, (Neuchatel: Société Neuchâteloise de Géographie, 1906)
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Sieber, Johannes, Die Wute: Lebenshaltung, Kultur und religiöse Weltanschauung eines afrikanischen Volksstammes, (Berlin: Dietrich Riemer, 1925)
– Talbot, P. Amaury, In the Shadow of the Bush, (New York: George H. Doran, 1912)
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– Talbot, P. Amaury, Peoples of Southern Nigeria, Volume III, (London: Humphrey Milford, 1926)
– Tauxier, L., Le Noir du Yatenga, (Paris: Émile Larose, 1917)
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– Taylor, Catherine (ed.), African Myths & Tales, (London: Flame Tree Publishing, 2019)
– Tessmann, Günter, Die Bubie auf Fernando Poo, (Hagen: Folkwang-Verlag, 1923)
– Vitaliano, Dorothy B., Legends of the Earth, (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1973)
– Weeks, John H., Among the Primitive Bakongo, (London: Seeley, Service & Co. Limited, 1914)
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– Werner, A., The Natives of British Central Africa, (London: Archibald Constable, 1906)
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Primary sources (articles):

– Brinker, H., “Omumborombonga = Sage der herero (Ova=herero) und ihre ethnologisch – mythologische Bedeutung”, Globus, 50 (1886), pp. 247-250
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– Gutmann, Bruno, “Die Fabelwesen in den Märchen der Wadschagga”, Gobus 91 (1907), pp. 239-243
[This source is in the public domain; download here]
– Hahn, Josaphat, “Die Ovahereró,” Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, 296, (1869), pp. 226-258
– Hamberger, A., “Religiöse Überlieferungen Und Gebräuche Der Landschaft Mkulwe (Deutsch-Ostafrika)”, Anthropos 4.2 (1909), pp. 295-317
– Hobley, C. W., “British East Africa: Anthropological Studies in Kavirondo and Nandi”, The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 33 (1903), pp. 325-359
– Huber, Hugo, “Die unheilbringende Schwiegertocher: Ätiologische Motive im Mythengut der Kwaya (Ostafrika)”, Anthropos 62 (1967), pp. 789-801
– Orpen, J. M., “Folklore of the Bushmen,” Folklore 30, no. 2 (1919), pp. 139-156
– Palmer, H. R., “FOLK-LORE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT,” Sudan Notes and Records 9, no. 1 (1926), pp. 137-138
– Turnbull, Colin M., “Legends of the BaMbuti” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 89, no. 1 (1959): pp. 45–60

Primary sources (websites):

Secondary sources (books):

– Baumann, H., Schöpfung und Urzeit des Menschen im Mythus der afrikanischen Völker, (Berlin: Verlag Dietrich Reimer, 1936)
– Dammann, Erst, Die Religionen Afrikas, (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1963)
– Finnegan, Ruth, Oral Literature in Africa, (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2012)
– Lynch, Patricia Ann, and Roberts, Jeremy, African Mythology A to Z: Second Edition, (New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2010)
– Olson, James S., The Peoples of Africa. An Ethnological Dictionary, (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996)
– Wagener, A. J., Afrikanische Parallele zur biblischen Urgeschichte, (Bonn: Bonner Druck- und Versagsanſtalt, 1927)
– Weeks, John H., Among Congo Cannibals, (Philadephia: J. B. Lippincott, 1913)
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Secondary sources (articles):

Chowe, Nick, Return to African Roots: The use of myth in Chimombo’s and Nazombe’s Epic Poetry, (
– Gufler, Hermann, “Yamba Marriage Systems Spouses and Their Offspring between Protection and Affliction,” Anthropos 90, no. 1/3 (1995), pp. 89-108
– Holter, Knut, “The Maasai and the Ancient Israelites: An Early 20th Century Interpretation of the Maasai in German East Africa,” Scriptura 116 (2017: 2), pp. 66-74
– Kuala, Fetson, “Reading Protest and Myth in Malawian Literature: 1964-1990s”, Literator 37(1), a1255

Secondary sources (websites):

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